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Gun Range

Indoor Shooting Range (Basement of the main building)

The 20 yard (18 meter) indoor shooting range is open to club members and their guests. We have 7 lanes and we are rated for basic handgun calibres up to .45ACP . No magnums, and no steel ammunition of any kind. For long guns, we are only rated for .22LR and 9mm pistol calibre carbines.

Please click the buttons below for more detailed information about the range and some of the activities we do.

The range is intended for members on their guest. Non-members need to get permission before attending. Please click the button below or email us at

General Range Schedule

Tuesdays 7pm-9pm

Only .22LR rifles and handguns allowed

Wednesdays 7pm-9pm

.22LR rifles

9mm PCC

Handguns up to .45 ACP (No magnums)

Please check the specific .22LR Rimfire Night and "All" Firearms Night specific pages to see if the club is open the night you'd like to come. Sometimes we have special events.

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